Poster printing

An alternative to printed canvas is framed posters. A picture placed in a frame has its own charm that can bring variety to the interior. Posters are also used in advertising - placing them on billboards.

Posters with individual printing can be used to monetize your creations! Poster printing is relatively cheap and the potential selling prices in the retail market are extremely high. The manufactured product can be packed in a small tube after being rolled, as a result of which the shipping costs both abroad and in Lithuania are low.

We print with professional Japanese Roland printers and environmentally friendly eco-solvent paints. We use not only the usual CMYK, but also additional light ink cartridges for wide and bright reproduction of colors and transitions - we are focused on high print quality. We choose only good quality paper so that the produced stickers can last perfectly in various conditions.



Posters are a great decoration for the office, home or exhibition.

In advertising stands, stands

Additional income from creativity, art. One of the possible products where your art can be transferred.

We produce posters and work on the POD (Print on demand) principle, packing them and sending them on behalf of the client.


Why choose us?

  1. We use high-quality paints that are resistant.

  2. We get accurate colors.

  3. We use high-quality, 200gsm satin poster.

  4. We have short deadlines and can produce on an urgent basis.

  5. For an additional price, we layout or organize files for the production of wide-format printing.

  6. We produce from 1 pc.

  7. We can make posters of non-standard dimensions. We use a 1.60 cm wide printer.

  8. We allow your end customers to collect from us. We can also ship.

  9. Packing and shipping from our office.


POD (Print on demand) poster trade - cooperation.

We can offer competitive prices for high quality posters. Trade the designs you want - we'll take care of everything, from production to packaging and shipping!

Similar to t-shirts, jumpers, bags and other accessories, you can sell posters through us. We cooperate with developers, we aim to perform parts of the production and sales process so that the only work for you is placing the order. By working on the POD principle, you make your work easier - you save time and you can calculate the cost of shipping and production.

When performing part of the work, you have to invest in packaging and shipping equipment yourself, fill out shipping slips, and take care of packaging and shipping. It takes a lot of time and effort and takes away from the time you could spend on advertising or creative work. As an alternative, we offer you to outsource this work to us and enjoy the sales process!


File requirements

A quality photo or vector file is required for production. Available formats: JPG, TIF, PNG, PDF, AI, EPS, SVG, CDR. Texts must be skewed. Otherwise, the text displayed to the customer and the manufacturer may differ. The best quality is extracted from vector files.

CMYK color mode is preferred (more accurate colors are obtained), but RGB colors are also suitable (slightly brighter colors).



Production process

We produce posters as canvases or stickers with a wide-format printer:

  1. We load the file provided by the client into the printing program and print it on satin paper.

  2. We allow the printed poster to dry for 4 to 24 hours.

  3. We cut the dried poster with a knife according to the cutting lines.

  4. We check the cut poster and cover it with tissue paper for protection. We roll and fold the edges or cover with paper adhesive tape.

  5. We put the rolled up poster aside for collection or pack it in a tube for sending.


The prices of prints and clothes are negotiated individually. We will advise you, help you choose clothes that meet your needs in a short time and choose the most optimal printing method.


You can inquire about prices and deadlines:
+37063077733 arba [email protected]


Printing of posters for advertising

Poster printing is a great marketing tool that has been used since ancient times until today. Various designs, announcements, messages can be printed quickly and with high quality, and provide information about your product, service, and possibly an event. An original and well-thought-out poster can attract the attention of more than one person. Advertising posters can reach new customers and introduce your company's products and services to the market. You can use them both in external and internal communication. An information board in your office can provide important information to your employees. In the context of the pandemic, it is important for employees to follow the general office rules and safety recommendations - you can remind them with special information badges. We produce both small posters and wide-format printing. We can produce various flyers, advertising stickers, various labels for your products. If you do not have a design, or it is not suitable for printing, we can prepare it for you. We can produce posters from one unit. The price of posters is agreed for each order individually. Various papers are used for the production of posters. We help our customers choose the best and most suitable paper that meets their expectations. We make posters quickly and with high quality. Contact us by email by mail or phone and we will provide you with all relevant information.


Production of poster prints

If you are a graphic designer, artist, painter, you can transfer your work to posters and make prints. It is a great interior detail for those who like to change the decoration elements in their home often. Posters can be framed, if desired or needed, the poster can be changed from the frame to another one. This way, you don't spend large sums on pictures, which can get boring. However, for those who want more durable interior details, we offer printing on canvases. Canvases look much more elegant, you can choose what you want to print on them and realize even the craziest ideas. You can print both paintings and various photos. We offer a print on demand (POD) business model. In these ways, we will print your posters, when we receive the order, we will send it to the end customer. You can order posters online with just a few clicks. If your design is not suitable for printing - we will fix or prepare it.